
About the Journal

The Kurukod Journal of Agriculture and Technology (KJAT) is a bi-annual refereed journal published by the Dr. Emilio B. Espinosa Sr. Memorial State College of Agriculture and Technology (DEBESMSCAT). The journal publishes original research and review articles written in English in the agricultural sciences, computer-related technology, engineering, and industrial technology. The journal is open to all researchers, scholars, scientists, engineers, technologists, agriculturists, and academic practitioners to contribute new ideas, empirical findings, and breakthroughs in the areas of crop and animal science, soil science, pest management, forestry, environment, agricultural and biosystems engineering, civil technology and engineering, chemical and mechanical engineering, food technology, information and communications technology, and computer science.

Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): KJAT
Published: 2024-04-16


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